Review/Synopsis: This “web series” is actually just Syfy’s airing of the intended pilot for the Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome prequel series that never materialized. They broke up the pilot into 10 webisodes (thought they are run in pairs) which offers a first look at the movie before they will air it in full on Syfy in February of 2013 and also release it on DVD. I’m not certain at this point if this is just a way of burning off a failed pilot, while attempting to make it seem like more of an event, or if they are trying to generate some buzz for a possible continuation of this story.
Despite some claims that I previously heard that this was always intended to be a web-series, the high level of its production values suggests otherwise. Blood and Chrome appears to have the same sort of budget as a BSG or Caprica episode, and it would have cost even more than a typical episode because of the initial startup costs associated with a pilot. And the fact is that a model just has not been established yet where a web series with that level of production values can sustain itself from the limited revenue available from internet streaming. So I don’t see any scenario where we will see ongoing Blood and Chrome webisodes showing up on the internet in the coming months or years. There’s a chance that Syfy could decide to pick this up as a TV series if the web series/TV broadcast generate enough interest. But I just don’t see how an ongoing web series that sustains this level of production values would be financially viable.

Blood and Chrome has its flaws, but that’s not uncommon with a pilot and that’s why it’s hard to judge based on that alone. What I do see is a lot of potential for future stories. The war with the Cylons offers plenty of storylines to tap into and I liked the idea of the “ghost fleet” as well. And it just felt like BSG and seems to offer the prospects of a much more satisfying prequel series than Caprica (which actually started as a concept with no ties to BSG). I would definitely like to see more of Blood and Chrome, and I’m sure they could quickly iron out the kinks and get this one to follow more closely in the path of BSG.
So what are the chances of this continuing on as a series? It’s hard to say at this point. It hasn’t set any records for online viewing; the first episode currently shows over 2.5 million hits on YouTube, but subsequent episodes are considerably less. And even the 2.5 million number is nowhere near record-breaking. I’m sure there’s videos of a baby falling and hurting himself or a cat playing the piano that have had plenty more hits than that on YouTube. Of course, if the TV airing in February scores well, that could help its cause, but the impression I have gotten from what I have read suggests that Syfy already considers it a moribund project.
That aside, BSG fans should definitely check it out. It will definitely satisfy your jones a least a little bit for some new BSG, and if it does get enough support it could lead to a revitalization of that franchise. You can watch starting with the first episode on YouTube at this link.
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